Casa De Compostela
Portugal, Minho/Vinho Verde

Casa De Compostela

Casa De Compostela

Casa De Compostela




Minho/Vinho Verde

Biography of Casa De Compostela

Casa Agrícola de Compostela is located in the region of Vinhos Verdes, more precisely in the parish of Requião, Vila Nova de Famalicão municipality. The company, which was founded in the beginning of the 60’s, has been increasing its production, always maintaining its focus on the excellence and quality of their wines. The wine cellar’s production capacity is about 1.000.000 annual litres. It is used the more modern technological methods, and it is certificated with the BRC7 (Food Security) and ISO9001:2015 (Quality) Standards. With 40 hectares of vineyards, cultivated in a soil rich in silica and clay, and with an excellent exposure to the sun, it is predominant the recommended and authorized wine varieties. The grapes in Casa Agrícola de Compostela are produced in conformity with the guidelines of the Integrated Production of Sustainable Agriculture. The strict compliance of these practices is certified by an Independent Organization recognized by the Portuguese State. Casa Agrícola de Compostela has a portfolio of two Vinhos Verdes (DOC), produced with the recommended wine varieties for this region: Loureiro and Arinto. It also produces two wines with the designation Região do Minho, produced with Alvarinho and Sauvignon Blanc wine varieties. wait till you see our new Image (work in progress).