I Magredi
Italy, Friuli - Venezia Giulia

I Magredi

I Magredi

I Magredi




Friuli - Venezia Giulia

Biography of I Magredi

Since 1968 the Tombacco family has passionately cultivated the land and the vine. I Magredi was bought in 1968 by Otello Tombacco. At the beginning there were several crops on the land: arable areas alternating apple trees, peach trees and vineyards. The harvested fruits were sold at the stand while grapes were brought to Oderzo for the vinification. In 1985 after his graduation Michelangelo, Otello’s son, began to work in the family business and in the late ‘80s they transform I Magredi in a winery choosing to cultivate only vineyards. Magredo means “poor soil”: it is poor because it is covered with a layer of weeds and bushes that require small quantity of water and are suitable to live in an extremely dry and permeable soil. This soil of alluvial origin was formed in the past centuries by the overflowing of the Cellina and Meduna rivers that carried downstream the debris coming from the Carnic Alps, creating the alluvial fan. The name “I Magredi” describes the typical soil of this area, rich in coarse material like gravel, stones and pebbles. The water, together with the nutrients it contains, goes deep into the soil. Thanks to the poorness of the soil and the temperature variation, we can obtain grapes with a great aromatic complexity and freshness.